Collection: Stonesplitter, Ian Roberts Clocks
Unique one off Raku Fired Clocks by Ian Roberts
The firing of pottery in the Raku style was first recorded in the sixteenth Century in Japan. It's origins derive from the production of wares for the tea ceremony which was an important part of Japanese life.
The Raku pieces produced at that time were of great elegance and simplicity in contrast to other ceramics of the day and were in keeping with the Zen aesthetics of the tea ceremony.
The potter Chojiro was the creator of the style and what we now refer to as the Raku process involves the removal of the pots from the kiln whilst red hot.
The Raku process was introduced to the West by Bernard Leach in the 1920's.
Post firing reduction accentuates the crazing on the surface and creates the lustrous finishes that are the trademark of modern Raku pottery.